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Common Mistakes in Squared Nail Filing Technique: Master Every Detail for Perfection!

Have you ever wondered what the secret is behind balanced perfection in squared nail filing? Discover how precise positioning of the file at an angle influences the perfect arch at the bottom of the structure. Master every detail and achieve excellence in every step!

Filing nails is an art that requires patience, precision, and knowledge. When it comes to squared structures, every detail counts to achieve the desired result. Here are some common mistakes in filing technique that you should avoid to obtain impeccable squared nails:

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1. Incorrect Filing Angle: One of the most common mistakes is not maintaining the correct angle when filing nails. It is crucial to remember that 90 degrees is the ideal angle for filing squared nails. This angle ensures a perfect arch at the bottom of the nail, providing a balanced and professional appearance.

2. Incorrect Filing Movements: Filing nails back and forth can weaken them and cause damage. Instead, it is important to file nails in one direction, preferably from the sides towards the center. This helps maintain the integrity of the nail and prevents unnecessary breakage.

3. Uneven Length: Another common mistake is not maintaining a uniform length on all nails. It is important to measure and mark the desired length before starting filing and ensure that all nails have the same length when finished.

4. Not Sealing the Edges: After filing nails, it is essential to seal the edges to prevent them from snagging or chipping. Use a soft polishing file to smooth the edges and seal them, providing a durable and resistant finish.

5. Not Hydrating Properly: After filing nails, it is important to properly hydrate them to maintain their health and flexibility. Apply a moisturizing cream or cuticle oil to prevent dryness and breakage.

By avoiding these common mistakes and paying attention to the filing angle, you can achieve impeccable and well-defined squared nails. Remember to take your time and practice carefully to get the best results. Master every detail and enjoy perfect nails at all times! 🛠✨

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