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Step-by-Step Guide to Nail Filing Your Artificial Nails

Filing artificial nails is an essential part of the manicure process to ensure a perfect and long-lasting finish. With the right files and knowledge of effective techniques, you can achieve professional results at home. In this blog, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of filing your artificial nails, highlighting the high-quality files from LEGACY NAILS.

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1. Preparation: Before you begin, make sure your artificial nails are clean and dry. Remove any nail polish or acrylic/gel residue with an appropriate remover.

2. Choosing the File: Select the right file for the job you need to do. The Edge & Shape files from LEGACY NAILS come in different abrasion grades to suit your specific needs.

3. Removing Shine: Use the Edge & Shape file with 150/180 grit to remove the shine from the natural nail and create porosity on the surface. This will help the polish or gel adhere better.

4. Shaping: If you need to shape or reduce the thickness of your artificial nails, use the Edge & Shape file with 100/100 grit. This file is ideal for structuring and removing excess acrylic or gel precisely.

5. Polishing and Finishing: Once you have achieved the desired shape, use the Sponge File with 100/180 grit to erase lines and polish the surface of the artificial nail. This will help achieve a smooth and shiny finish.

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Benefits of LEGACY NAILS Files: The Edge & Shape nail files from LEGACY NAILS offer several benefits that make them indispensable in your manicure kit:

  • Extended Durability: Guaranteed to last up to 4 times longer than regular files, making them a long-lasting investment.
  • Versatility: Ideal for use with acrylic or gel, adapting to any type of artificial nails.
  • Time Saving: Their design and quality allow you to file efficiently, saving time and effort.
  • Washable and Reusable: You can easily wash and disinfect them for continuous use, maintaining high hygiene standards.

In conclusion, LEGACY NAILS nail files are an essential tool for any nail care enthusiast. With their durability, precision, and versatility, they will help you achieve flawless and professional nails at every step of the manicure process. Discover the difference they can make in your beauty routine today!