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Proper Cuticle Care with Legacy Products

Welcome to our educational blog, where we’ll explore the importance of maintaining healthy cuticles and how to perform a proper cleaning using Legacy products. In this article, we’ll focus on the use of cuticle oil, Professional Multicolor Scissors, and the cuticle pusher.

Step 1: Prepare Your Workspace

Before starting, it’s essential to set up a clean and clutter-free space. Make sure you have all the necessary tools at hand: cuticle oil, Professional Multicolor Scissors, and the Legacy cuticle pusher.

Step 2: Soften Cuticles with Cuticle Oil

Apply a small amount of cuticle oil to the cuticles and gently massage. This step is crucial as the oil helps to soften the cuticle, making it easier to handle and preventing damage during the cleaning process.

Step 3: Push Cuticles with the Cuticle Pusher

Take the Legacy cuticle pusher and use the flat tip to gently push the cuticles towards the base of the nail. This step helps reveal any excess cuticles and prepares them for the next phase.

Step 4: Precise Trimming with Professional Multicolor Scissors

Legacy’s Professional Multicolor Scissors are ideal for precise and safe trimming. Use these scissors to carefully trim any excess cuticles. Remember to do this with delicacy to avoid unnecessary cuts.

Step 5: Final Hydration with Cuticle Oil

Once you’ve completed the trimming, apply a second layer of cuticle oil to hydrate and nourish the cuticles. This step is essential for maintaining nail health and preventing dryness.

Additional Tips:

  • Perform this process after soaking your hands in warm water to facilitate cuticle manipulation.
  • Do not force the trimming. If you encounter resistance, reapply cuticle oil and continue the process.
  • Regularly clean your tools with disinfectant to maintain hygiene.